How To Reduce Breast Engorgement While Weaning?

It’s time for weaning to begin!  Breastfeeding is not easy to start or stop and regardless of the length of time the last thing you want is for your breast to become painfully engorged.  In this blog post you will learn how to reduce breast engorgement while weaning your baby.

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reduce engorged breast while weaning baby

Make sure you are ready!

My number one tip is to make sure YOU are ready.  It is extremely emotionally hard when you are not ready to stop breastfeeding. 

It’s kind of cliche but you will know when it is time to stop……For example I was emotionally and physically drained of breastfeeding my first.  

Waking up at 3 am to breastfeed was so hard for me to do by the time he was 2 years old toddler.

I was growing resentful and I knew I had to stop.

I wrote more about this HERE How to stop breastfeeding a co-sleeping toddler?

engorged breast relief weaning

Create a plan!

Before you start weaning, create a plan on how to deal with your breast engorgement and be consistent. If not you will be struggling to stop breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding isn’t ideal to abruptly stop from one day to another because you will get engorged breasts. Trust me, engorgement hurts!  It can potentially lead to mastitis.

This means you have an infection in your breasts that can cause you to have flu-like symptoms like a fever and chills.  Please see a medical doctor to get treated right away.

Unfortunately, I went through this process with my second baby and didn’t notice until I couldn’t get out of bed.

You don’t want to go through that!

Check out this post >>> 8 things I wish I knew before becoming a mom<<<

painful engorged breast while weaning

Reduce Breast Engorgement While Weaning With These Tips

Regardless of how long you breastfeed your boobs will get engorged or get lumpy breast after stopping breastfeeding. However you can make the process less painful and get some relief if you use these tips to manage engorged breast during the weaning process.

  • Decrease milk supply slowly by dropping a feed and stay consistent. 
  • Wear a supportive bra but don’t let it be too tight.
  • Express milk out but just enough until you feel relief. 
  • Use cold cabbage leaves or a cabbage cream. This does wonders and it feels oh so good when your boobs are in pain!
  • Take pain medication like Advil or Tylenol. (Ask your healthcare provider.)
  • Sudafed is an over the counter drug in the pharmacy that can decrease milk production. 
Breastfeeding weaning tips for engorged breast

Must Read Post >>> How to stop breastfeeding a co-sleeping toddler? <<<

This phase of life is bittersweet. It means your little one isn’t a baby anymore and growing too fast!

Let me know what helped you to reduce breast engorgement while weaning your baby from breastfeeding? Did any of these tips help? Comment below or you can find me on instagram @lorenasvida and DM me.  

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