8 Ways to Meet Mom Friends In Your Area As A Stay At Home Mom

8 ways to meet mom friends in your area as a stay at home mom

It might be difficult to meet and make new mom friends as a stay at home mom in your area, especially if you don’t know where to look. It gets lonely being with a baby all day and having no one to talk to but in this blog post we will discuss 8 ways to meet mom friends in your area as a stay-at-home mom. Let’s get started! 8 Ways to Meet Mom Friends In Your Area As A Stay[Read more]

How To Be A More Organized Stay At Home Mom?

mom life at home as a mom

Are you struggling to keep your house clean and organized while taking care of your kids? Do you feel like you’re constantly running around and never getting anything done? If so, this guide is for you! In this post, we will discuss some tips and tricks for becoming an organized stay at home mom. By following these tips, you will be able to create a system that works for you and your family. So what are you waiting for? Start[Read more]

How To Reduce Breast Engorgement While Weaning?

woman breast engorgement

It’s time for weaning to begin!  Breastfeeding is not easy to start or stop and regardless of the length of time the last thing you want is for your breast to become painfully engorged.  In this blog post you will learn how to reduce breast engorgement while weaning your baby. *Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means I will receive a commission if you click on the link at no cost to you. Make sure you are ready![Read more]

8 Car Travel Tips With Baby or Toddler

car travel with kids

Planning to travel by car with a baby or toddler soon… You might be asking yourself what do families do on a long car ride? How do I occupy a toddler on a long car ride? What is the best age to even start traveling? What is the best age to start traveling? I myself have asked these questions before our first car trip with two kids.  But to my surprise I found out even if you prepare for it[Read more]

8 ways to save money on baby stuff

Babies need a lot of stuff.  Did you realize that by now?  I’ve bet you’ve even asked Google ways to save money on baby stuff? Because they need a lot of stuff like diapers, baby clothes,  baby blankets, baby gear like strollers, car seats, bottles, etc.   Plus babies grow so fast! By the time you know it they will be walking and talking. Therefore I used anything I could to save money on all the items for my baby.  From[Read more]

9 Instagram Mom Bloggers to follow for toddler activities

9 instagram mom bloggers to follow for toddler activities

I love Instagram and I’m pretty sure you do to since you are reading this. It can be an endless time-suck but it can totally be used for inspiration that you can use in your daily life with your toddler. Personally, I know it can be stressful to be at home with a toddler constantly wanting your attention. But doing fun creative activities with your little one at home can teach them so much and leave Mami alone for a[Read more]

My miscarriage story

a personal miscarriage story

This is the hardest post I ‘ve written thus far. It has almost been a year since it happened and it has been a difficult journey to get here…. From a miscarriage to the transition of grieving, to getting pregnant again.  The process left me emotionally and physically depleted, but I was able to refill myself back up. How I found out I was pregnant? Last year a week before Father’s Day 2019 I found out I was pregnant.  I[Read more]

My First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

my first trimester pregnancy symptoms

We are excited to announce we are expecting another baby!  The road to this amazing gift has been hard……from an unexpected miscarriage to my confused mind/body to slowly grieving and moving forward to now.  This experience has made me more humble and grateful for everything in my life. I hope this announcement brings hope and strength to all those women yearning for a baby and not add to your pain. This pregnancy made me experience “morning sickness” (in reality nausea[Read more]

First-trimester Survival Kit| New mom nausea relief

first trimester survival kit

I am so thrilled to announce that we are expecting our second baby.  My symptoms are incredibly different than my first pregnancy and I wanted to share my first-trimester survival kit. Hope this will help you during this time as much as it did for me. *Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means I will receive a commission if you click on the link at no cost to you. My Pregnancy Symptoms During my first pregnancy, I did[Read more]

How to stop breastfeeding a co-sleeping toddler?

8 tips to stop breastfeeding a co-sleeping toddler

You did it!  It’s finally time for your breastfeeding journey to end!  But if you aren’t ready for this stage then don’t worry do what is best for you and your baby.  I personally felt guilty for this moment, but I was mentally and physically ready for my co-sleeping toddler to stop breastfeeding.  Therefore, after my son’s second birthday party (yes you read that right …. two!)  I went all in by using these 8 tips to stop breastfeeding your[Read more]