8 ways to save money on baby stuff

Babies need a lot of stuff.  Did you realize that by now?  I’ve bet you’ve even asked Google ways to save money on baby stuff? Because they need a lot of stuff like diapers, baby clothes,  baby blankets, baby gear like strollers, car seats, bottles, etc.   Plus babies grow so fast! By the time you know it they will be walking and talking. Therefore I used anything I could to save money on all the items for my baby.  From[Read more]

My miscarriage story

a personal miscarriage story

This is the hardest post I ‘ve written thus far. It has almost been a year since it happened and it has been a difficult journey to get here…. From a miscarriage to the transition of grieving, to getting pregnant again.  The process left me emotionally and physically depleted, but I was able to refill myself back up. How I found out I was pregnant? Last year a week before Father’s Day 2019 I found out I was pregnant.  I[Read more]

My First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

my first trimester pregnancy symptoms

We are excited to announce we are expecting another baby!  The road to this amazing gift has been hard……from an unexpected miscarriage to my confused mind/body to slowly grieving and moving forward to now.  This experience has made me more humble and grateful for everything in my life. I hope this announcement brings hope and strength to all those women yearning for a baby and not add to your pain. This pregnancy made me experience “morning sickness” (in reality nausea[Read more]

First-trimester Survival Kit| New mom nausea relief

first trimester survival kit

I am so thrilled to announce that we are expecting our second baby.  My symptoms are incredibly different than my first pregnancy and I wanted to share my first-trimester survival kit. Hope this will help you during this time as much as it did for me. *Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means I will receive a commission if you click on the link at no cost to you. My Pregnancy Symptoms During my first pregnancy, I did[Read more]

Best baby registry checklist for first-time moms

I remember being overwhelmed as a first-time mom to fill up my baby registry. I had no clue what to register for other than diapers and wipes. That’s all a baby needs right?  But with a lot of research and after having my baby I have a better understanding of what products are actually used. Therefore I created this baby registry checklist for you in mind to give you a stress-free experience and enjoy every moment of your pregnancy journey[Read more]