My First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

We are excited to announce we are expecting another baby!  The road to this amazing gift has been hard……from an unexpected miscarriage to my confused mind/body to slowly grieving and moving forward to now. 

This experience has made me more humble and grateful for everything in my life. I hope this announcement brings hope and strength to all those women yearning for a baby and not add to your pain.

This pregnancy made me experience “morning sickness” (in reality nausea all day). I did not have much of an appetite, I couldn’t tolerate drinking water and smells of raw or even any cooked meat would make me nauseous.  As soon as the second trimester rolled in all my symptoms went away.

Morning sickness

In reality all day sickness! I struggled with eating and drinking specifically water this time around.  Therefore I relied on my first-trimester survival kit must-haves to keep going.

Sense of smell

Oh goodness, this one was hard.  Certain things, for example, raw meat of any kind in which I  would try to cook would instantly cause me to feel nauseous and gag.  It was so weird for me because nothing grossed me out.

Also, I wasn’t able to change my son’s dirty diaper without gagging all the way through.  At first, it seemed like a gift from the heavens but if you are a stay at home mom it’s pure torture. 

Weight gain

I am assuming since this was my third pregnancy my body already knew what to do because my body started expanding at every angle as soon as there was a bun in the oven.  Most of my clothes literally didn’t fit me after the first month.

Emotionally sensitive

Let me start by saying I am typically a happy optimistic person but oh my goodness I really struggled to keep my self together.  For instance, I mentioned earlier I gained weight immediately after this baby started cooking. Since I wasn’t aware I was pregnant yet I was working out and wasn’t seeing results for my hard work. 

This honestly caused me to feel bad for myself and I started crying because things weren’t adding up. Until I decided to take a pregnancy test to see if this could possibly be the reason and sure enough, it was!

Even though getting here wasn’t easy I am grateful for the experience and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Our new addition will be here in May 2020 and can’t wait to share more with you all.

We have been blessed to bring another baby into this world and we are extremely excited for this opportunity. I would love to know what pregnancy symptoms you felt?

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