10 Postpartum Must Haves

10 postpartum must haves

Learning to adjust to your “new normal” with your newborn baby right after labor and dealing with all the postpartum body changes you are going to go through is going to be a whirlwind experience. But you can definitely be prepared by using these postpartum must haves products to help you go through this process. As a new mom, all these products helped me survive my postpartum recovery period, therefore I recommend buying them ahead of time. *Disclosure: This post[Read more]

First-time moms postpartum recovery tips

Can you believe it! Your baby is almost here! All the work you have done to prepare for your baby until this point has been all about them, but now it’s time to think about you. I remember being where you are today and not knowing what happens after delivery? What do I need for my postpartum recovery? So I created this for you in mind. *Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means I will receive a commission[Read more]

8 things I wish I knew before becoming a mom

Motherhood is a unique journey for everyone, but there are some things I didn’t expect to go through.  I wish I knew more about these topics before I became a mom because these are the ones that impacted my motherhood journey the most. *Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means I will receive a commission if you click on the link at no cost to you. 1. Breastfeeding is hard! Before the baby is even born people will[Read more]